APA Arizona Chapter


Friday, June 3, 2022
9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. MST

Tempe, AZ, United States


Land Use Update: Resilience, Kicking SFR Zoning’s S, EVs, & More

Resilience is key to economic and community development in the wake of the pandemic, supply chain disruptions, and foreign conflicts.  During the first session, experts in community and economic development, resilience, and sustainability will discuss tools to help businesses and communities grow and adapt. Discussion will include regulatory and policy changes cities and towns can implement to address business and workforce needs, and promoting resilience through equity, diversity, and inclusion.

Many states and municipalities are taking the S out of SFR zoning by allowing multiple residential units by right in zoning districts previously set aside exclusively (and some say with exclusionary effect) for single family homes. One of the leading land use scholars of our time will describe the trend in our second session, which will also include a presentation about the City of Tucson’s recently adopted accessory dwelling unit ordinance and an overview of efforts to adopt by-right zoning during the 2022 Arizona legislative session.

The housing theme will continue during lunch (included), with a presentation by Denver land use lawyer and adjunct professor Brian Connolly on how planners and lawyers can advocate for state and local legislative reforms to address the housing affordability crisis.

The afternoon begins with our annual audience-interactive session on ethics for planners and lawyers, and ends with our annual overview of current land use legislation and case law.

Worried about the price of gas? The mid-afternoon session is a panel discussion of the efforts to require and accommodate electric vehicle charging stations and the legal issues associated with renewable energy development. Panel members will also discuss current Phoenix and Tucson EV and solar readiness initiatives.

We look forward to seeing you in person this year!

Contact Info

Sheila Deschaaf, sdeschaaf@paysonaz.gov


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